Scope of the Policy

This policy is provided for London Bridge College, learners and staff members who are using or delivering courses and qualifications offered by London Bridge College.

Definition of Reasonable Adjustments

A reasonable adjustment is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places the learner at a substantial disadvantage during an assessment.


To provide for London Bridge College staff and learners guidelines on how to deal with special consideration and reasonable adjustment requests in a consistent manner

In order to do this London Bridge College will;

  • comply with all current and relevant legislation in relation to the development and delivery of qualifications. London Bridge College learners will have fair access to assessments where practicable.
  • Where a learner has a permanent disability of specific learning needs a reasonable adjustment may be required
  • Where a learner has a temporary disability, medical condition or learning needs or is indisposed at the time of the assessment a special consideration may be required

Reasonable adjustments may involve:

  • changing usual assessment arrangements, for example allowing a learner extra time to complete the assessment activity
  • adapting assessment materials, in consideration to learners disability
  • providing assistance during assessment

Requesting Reasonable Adjustments

Learners must make London Bridge College staff members aware of any reasonable adjustments they require. London Bridge College is responsible for applying to awarding organisation for reasonable adjustment requests (when appropriate).

Definition of Special Considerations

Special consideration can be applied after an assessment, if there was a reason the learner may have been disadvantaged during the assessment. Any requests to an awarding organisation for Special Considerations, must be made by a London Bridge College staff member within the set time frame required of the awarding organisation.

Special consideration, if successful, may result in a small post-assessment adjustment to the mark of the learner.  The size of the adjustment will depend on the circumstances and reflect the difficulty faced by the learner.

All documents relating to reasonable adjustments and special considerations must be saved and stored securely. The awarding organisation must be given access to any information or documents regarding reasonable adjustments and special considerations, when requested.

Last update: September 2020, Review: August 2021