Registration and Certification Policy


  • To ensure that all learners are recruited onto courses based on their aspirations, skills, and attributes with integrity and professionalism.
  • To ensure that individual learners are recruited on to the correct programme before they start the course
  • To ensure that learner registrations are correct and these are checked with learners before any claims are made.
  • To claim valid learner certificates, with the correct units within agreed timescales.
  • To provide an accurate and accessible audit trail to ensure that individual learner registration and certification claims can be traced to the certificate which is issued for each learner

In order to do this, the centre will:

  • Register each learner with the awarding body requirements (within 6 weeks of commencing learning)
  • Check the  accuracy of learner registration
  • Make each learner aware of their registration status
  • Inform the awarding body of withdrawals, transfers or changes to learner details via the Awarding Body’s CRM
  • Ensure that certificate claims are timely and based solely on internally verified assessment records
  • Audit certificate claims made to the awarding body, and check the accuracy of certificates on arrival to the centre
  • Keep assessment records safely and securely for three years following certification, and learner work for 12 weeks


  1. London Bridge College will provide information relating to courses to all its learners.
  2. An induction will be provided for all new learners which will include; a programme overview; explanation of the registration and certification process; outline internal and external assessment; outline learners responsibilities and rights (independent learning, appeals procedure, plagiarism, malpractice).
  3. All learner must complete ID Verification with the registration application
  4. The centre manager will respond to system triggers for registration of learners. A registration trigger will occur once the learner has logged into the Moodle system and commenced learning for 5 weeks.
  5. The centre manager will ensure that all learners are registered by the end of week 6
  6. The centre manager will ensure that all learners are aware of their registration status and that withdrawals, transfers or changes to any learners details are kept up-to-date on centre records and that Pearson has been notified via the CRM system
  7. All records are saved securely for three years post-certification.
  8. The centre manager is able to access all records of assessment and internal verification via the Moodle system; to ensure that certification claims can be made and internal records are updated accordingly.
  9. The centre manager will claim the certificate from the awarding body, in line with any standards verification requirement, within 3 weeks of a learner’s work being signed off by the Internal Verification via a summative IV record
  10. All certificates are checked when they arrive at the centre to ensure their accuracy and completeness.

    Overall responsibilities

    •  Exams Officer (EO): responsible for timely, accurate and valid registration, transfer, withdrawal and certificate claims for learners
    • Lead Internal Verifier (LIV): responsible for ensuring that an audit trail of learner assessment and achievement is accessible and supports certification claims.
    • Quality Nominee (QN): responsible for coordinating and monitoring registration and certification procedures within the Centre
    • Centre coordinator (CC):  responsible for ensuring registration and certification policy and procedures are regularly reviewed, disseminated to staff and overseeing the registration, transfer, withdrawal and certificate claims for learners to ensure that awarding body deadlines are met. Responsible for ensuring learner details held by Pearson are accurate and that an audit trail of learner, assessment and achievement is accessible

Last update: September 2020, Review: August 2021