Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) offers learners the opportunity to demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess.
To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not disadvantage or advantage any group of learners or individuals. Provided that the assessment requirements of a given unit or qualification have been met, the use of RPL is acceptable for accrediting a unit or a whole qualification. Evidence of learning must be valid and reliable.
The Equality Act 2010 applies to the operation of this policy.
Principles to Implement and Develop Policy:
RPL is a valid method of enabling individuals to claim credit for units, irrespective of how their learning took
place. There is no difference between the achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of
a unit through prior learning or through a formal programme of study.
RPL processes, procedures, practices and decisions should be transparent, rigorous, reliable, fair and
accessible to individuals and stakeholders to ensure that users can be confident of the decisions and
outcomes of RPL.
RPL is a learner-centred, voluntary (for the learner) process. The individual should be offered advice on the
nature and range of evidence considered appropriate, to support a claim for credit through RPL, and be
given guidance and support to make a claim.
The process of assessment for RPL is subject to the same quality assurance and monitoring standards as any other form of assessment. The award of credit through RPL will not be distinguished from any other credits awarded.
Assessment methods for RPL must be of equal rigour to other assessment methods, be fit for purpose and relate to the evidence of learning. Credit may be claimed for any unit through RPL unless the assessment requirements of the unit do not allow this, based on a rationale consistent with the aims and regulations of the framework.
The prior learning that would provide evidence of current knowledge, understanding and skills will vary from sector to sector. It will depend on the exttent of the experience, technological changes and the nature of the outcome claimed. If the currency of any evidence is in doubt, the assessor may use questions to check understanding, and for competence.
The rules, regulations and procedures governing the recognition of prior learning should be included in the student handbook given to every student when joining the programme/course.
Student Entitlement:
All students shall be entitled to apply for RPL providing they meet the specific requirements of the validating/ awarding body governing the qualification for which they are studying.
A student who makes an initial enquiry about RPL should be given timely and appropriate guidance and support on the rules, regulations and processes involved in accreditation.
A student may appeal against the credit points awarded but only on the grounds of non-observance of agreed procedures and/or improper application of those procedures.
Student Responsibilities:
The student must complete a credit claim form (see appendices), and provide evidence to show that the requirements of the unit, module or part of a unit, or module have been covered;
The student must consult with the agreed subject specialist in the preparation of his/her evidence.
Students applying for credit must agree an action plan to enable him/her to obtain the award s/he is aiming for.
Students must agree to attend any further oral assessments or appropriate assessments if initial evidence is
deemed to be unsatisfactory for the RPL assessor.
Teaching Staff’s Responsibilities:
To provide support and encouragement to all students wishing to claim credit for prior learning.
Following initial enquiries by any student, the member of staff should place the student in contact with a asubject specialist.
The subject specialist should develop, with the student, an action plan to address the learning outcomes of the programme.
The subject specialist should identify the evidence needed to support the claim for credit and explain how this evidence will be assessed and by whom.
Ensure that the student claiming credit is enrolled for a specific award/qualification.
Recognition of Prior Learning Claim Form (RPL)
CREDIT CLAIM FORM (complete all sections as fully as possible) If you have already registered on a
programme you may be eligible for credit from previously acquired qualifications, vocational training
and/or learning which is uncertified. If you wish to make a claim for recognition of prior learning please
complete this form.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Post Code: ………………………………… Telephone: ………………………………………
Programme/Course on which you are registered, or have been accepted at The Magna Carta School;
a) Module(s)/Unit(s) for which credit is claimed:
Course/Module/Unit Code ………………….. Title …………………………………..
Course/Module/Unit Code ………………….. Title …………………………………..
Course/Module/Unit Code ………………….. Title …………………………………..
Course/Module/Unit Code ………………….. Title …………………………………..
b) Programme learning outcomes/objectives for which credit is claimed if they do not relate to specific
individual modules or units of study.
BASIS FOR CREDIT CLAIM (Attach separate sheets) In this section outline the achievements, experience
and previously acquired qualifications and certificates you wish to use as the basis for your claim. You
should attach photocopies of supporting documents wherever possible e.g. syllabus outlines, course
structures, examination certificates