Dear Level 1 students,
I am very excited to introduce myself as your course leader for this Level 1 Diploma in Early Years Education, delivered by London Bridge College, in Partnership with Kaye Academic College. There is a lot of important information in this email, it is crucial that you read the entire mail to the end!
Course overview
As you know the course is 220 hours in length, and we have divided it in the following way, to try and make the course as manageable as possible for you.
- 75 hours online learning, via moodle courses
- 75 hours Face to Face training
- 70 hours on-the-job practice (undertaken during your usual working hours at your daycare)
Sessions are not optional, all face to face sessions are mandatory; students who fall below 80% of attendance, must be withdrawn from the course. It is very important that you attend all training, and arrive on time, and are in the classroom ready to start for the beginning of the session.
Message from Course Leader
I have been delivering training and teaching early years programmes to students like yourself since 1999 and am delighted to be leading this course for you here in Tel Aviv.
I know and understand how demanding it is to study at the same time as working full (or even part) time. There will be times over the next year, where you feel overwhelmed or that there is too much to do, but please remember myself and my team are here to help and support you; I ask you now to please speak out and let me know if you are having difficulties and there are things we can do to help!
At London Bridge College; we have 2 locations in Tel Aviv, and they are very close to each other. We are planning to carry out most of the training at 41 Yehuda HaLevi Street (2nd Floor). It is just off of Allenby Street, and right by the new Allenby Street subway station. Our other location is on Mazeh Street 1, and we will let you know in advance if any sessions will take place there.
The nearest train station to both locations is Hagana Station in Tel Aviv. Salvidor Station is also convenient because you can take the subway from there, to right outside our place!
Online Learning
On the 15th and the 30th of every month, you will have a moodle course that is due to be completed, it is very important that you stick to these deadlines, and even finish the courses ahead of time if you can!
The first two courses you need to complete are the Introduction to Development psychology and Abuse and Neglect in Early Years. You can already start working on these courses if you wish (its recommended!) by clicking on the course titles. If you need support – please refer to Maytal.
Class group allocation
As you may already be aware, originally, we planned a Wednesday evening group, and a Friday morning group for the course, but overwhelming students wanted to attend on a Friday, so we have made some changes, so that both groups will be on a Friday.
We have completed the class allocation this morning, and allocated you either to L1GA (Group A) or L1GB (Group B). Please click here to check which group you have been allocated to.
Schedule and start date
The schedule includes the face-to-face sessions, the online learning, the assignment submission dates and the support session. You can review the sessions by clicking here.
Page 1 of the schedule has the dates for L1GA and page 2 for L1GB. Please note, if there is a session you are unable to make, you can take the same session with the other group, providing you have our permission to switch for that week.
The first session is taking place this Friday at 41 Yehuda HaLevi Street, Tel Aviv.
- L1GA will have their session at 8am – 11am this Friday
- L1GB will have their session at 11am – 2pm this Friday
During the introduction session on Friday, we will review all course requirements, answer all your questions about the course, and explain everything that needs to be done!
For the sessions you should bring with you, something to write with (pencil or a pen), reading glasses – if you need them (!) and a notebook to use to note anything down from the session. Laptops, ipads etc are not needed, and not need to be brought to class.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best of luck with this programme, and remind you that it is a serious and important programme, with high standards, and I will work hard to help you meet and achieve the requirements of the course, but it will also require your hard work and commitment!
I am very much looking forward to meeting you all, and to working with you over the next year!
Kind regards,
Sammy Fugler BA (Hons), PGCE, MA, MBA
Course Leader, Early Years
+972 542 416 146